Sunday, August 22, 2010

Writings of St. John of Kronstadt

St. John of Kronstadt was an Archpriest for the Russian Orthodox Church in the mid 19th Century.  He was glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) in 1964 and then by the Russian Orthodox Church by 1990.   His Feast days are December 20th and October 19th. His biggest contribution is his book, My Life in Christ, which is an astounding 500+ pages of inspiration devoted to the Orthodox Christian Way.  Sadly it is a book that is limited to publication but is offered by Holy Trinity Monastery of Jordanville, My Life in Christ , or one may read an on-line version Here


As a zealous advocate of the Orthodox faith, 
As a caring Solicitor for the land of Russia, 
Faithful to the rules and image of a pastor, 
Preaching repentance and life in Christ, 
An awesome servant and administer of God's sacraments, 
A daring intercessor for people's sake, 
O Good and righteous Father John, 
Healer and wonderful miracle-worker, 
The praise of the town of Kronstadt 
And decoration of our Church, 
Beseech the All-Merciful God 
To reconcile the world and to save our souls!


With the apostles your message has gone out to the ends of the world, 
And with the confessors you suffered for Christ! 
You are like the hierarchs through your preaching of the word; 
With the righteous you are radiant with the grace of God. 
The Lord has exalted your humility above the heavens 
And given us your name as a source of miracles. 
O wonder-worker, living in Christ for ever, 
Have mercy on those beset by troubles; 
And hear us when we cry out in faith, O our beloved shepherd John!


This day the pastor of Kronstadt
Appears before the throne of God
Praying fervently on behalf of the faithful
To the chief pastor Christ, who has promised:
"I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it!"

Here is some selected writings from his book:

"The Holy Scripture is the domain of Wisdom, Word and Spirit, of God in the Trinity: in it He clearly manifests Himself: 'The Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life' (John 6:63), said the Lord.  The writings of the Holy Fathers are again the expression of the Mind, Word and Spirit of the Holy Trinity, in which the spirit of the higher class (spiritually speaking) of mankind has largely participated..."

"To what end do fasting and penitence lead?...They lead to the cleansing of the soul from sins, to peace of heart, to union with God; they fill us with devotion and sonship, and give us boldness before God."

"When praying, we must absolutely subject our heart to our will, and turn it towards God."

"Thy hand is constantly upon me, a sinner, and there is no moment when Thy mercy leaves me.  Grant me, then, always to kiss, with living faith, Thy gracious hand."

"Those who are trying to lead a spiritual life have to carry on a most skillful and difficult warfare, through their thoughts, every moment of their life - that is, a spiritual warfare...the hearts of men should be always burning with faith, humility and love..."

"Remember that God, during your prayer, is waiting for your affirmative answer to the question which He is inwardly asking you: 'Believe ye that I am able to do this?' (Matthew 21:22)"

"He is at every time and every hour near me, only I do no see it, but I feel it vividly in my heart...The expansion, the peace of heart through lively faith in Him, prove more clearly than the day that God is constantly present near me, and that He dwells within me."

"Our hope of obtaining that which we ask for during prayer is founded upon faith in God's mercy and bountifulness, for He is the God of mercy and bountifulness, and the Lover of men..."

"Our prayers are necessary expressly to strengthen our faith, through which alone can we be saved."

"And we, the children of the merciful God, also must wish with our whole hearts that all men, and even our enemies, should be saved, and must care for this."

"When the light of faith or God's truth dwells in your heart, only then is it tranquil, firm, strong, and living..."

"It is especially necessary for Christians to have a pure heart, so that they may be able to see God with the eyes of the heart, as He is, with His love to us and with all His perfections, as well as to be able to contemplate the beauty of the angels, all the glory of the Holy Virgin, the beauty of Her soul and Her greatness, as the Mother of God, and the beauty of the souls of God's Saints, and their love to us; we must see them as they are in themselves, we must contemplate the truths of the Christian faith, with all its Sacraments, and feel their greatness..."

"The Lord was crucified for us on the Cross.  This is the reason why it, as well as the sign of the Cross, has such power.  This is why it is life-giving."

"The narrower the way, the more convincing, the surer it is, that we are going the right, true way..."

"The Lord is life in my death, strength in my weakness, light in my darkness, joy in my sorrow, boldness in my faint-heartedness, tranquility in my agitation, obedience in my prayer, glory in my dishonor, and deliverance from my dishonor."

"If you pray to the Lord, or the Our Lady, or to the Angels and Saints from your whole heart, then you speak to the very heart of the Lord, of Our Lady, of the Angel or Saint, for we are all in the one heart of God, in the Holy Ghost, and all the Saints are in the heart of God..."

"In making the sign of the Cross, believe and constantly remember that your sins are nailed to the Cross."

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Northwest Arkansas, Arkansas, United States
My name is Ignatios Jason Rogers and I was received into the Holy Antiochian Orthodox Church at St. Nicholas in Springdale, AR on Christmas Eve of 2006. I am currently seeking the monastic path and hopefully one day will be able to enter a monastery.
